Traditional values.
Innovative approach.

The combination of unwavering Eastern values and innovative Western methods turns service delivery into an art form.

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Services in Russia

Criminal law

Regulatory-administrative practice

Family and inheritance law

Labor and migration law

Legal support for Russian investors in China and other countries

Legal support for foreign investors in Russia

Land law and real estate

Corporative law

International law

Sanctions compliance

Bankruptcy and business reorganization

Intellectual property law

Pro Bono

Commercial law

Related Services

Telecommunications and information technology

Digital law

Heavy and light industry


Environmental protection and subsoil use

Energy industry

Medicine and healthcare

Culture and education

Aviation and cosmonautics



Auto industry/transport

Other industries

Our clients

中国铁道建筑集团有限公司的前身是中国人民解放军铁道兵,现为国务院国有资产监督管理委员会管理的特大型建筑企业,2007年11月5日在北京独家发起设立中国铁建股份有限公司(中文简称中国铁建,英文简称CRCC),2008年3月10日、13日分别在上海和香港上市(A股代码601186、H股代码1186),公司注册资本135.8亿元。 中国铁建是全球最具实力、规模的特大型综合建设集团之一,2024年《财富》“世界500强企业”排名第43位,连续19年跻身世界500强, 从事铁路基础设施,隧道,桥梁,高速公路,机场,港口的建设。

The Chinese state-owned multidisciplinary conglomerate, whose main interests are concentrated in the field of wholesale trade, logistics, investments, financial services and real estate. It is one of the largest companies in the country and the world.

The Chinese oil and gas company ranked 133rd in the Forbes Global 2000 list of the largest companies in the world for 2022 (295th in revenue, 80th in net profit, 325th in assets and 238th in market capitalization).

The largest Asian airline in terms of fleet size, Asia's largest air carrier, the 7th airline in the world in terms of transportation of local passengers, the 7th airline in the world in terms of passenger turnover of scheduled flights in passenger kilometers, ranks 1st in China in terms of the number of passengers transported in 2023.

A subsidiary of the Russian VTB Bank specializing in providing factoring services for small, medium and large businesses.

A Russian financial conglomerate, the largest universal bank in Russia and Eastern Europe.

A Chinese automotive company that manufactures cars, trucks, and buses. JAC cars are widely represented on the Russian market, and are also assembled in Russia under the Sollers and Moskvich brands.

A Chinese state-owned company, the country's largest manufacturer of military aircraft. AVIC was ranked 151st in the Fortune Global 500 in 2019 and 140th in 2021.

The largest operator of mining data centers and importer of mining equipment in Russia, has now become one of the world leaders in the data center and industrial mining industry.

The world's largest manufacturer of port, marine and shipbuilding equipment, engineering vessels and large-sized metal structures. With a turnover of $5 billion, ZPMC owns, in some positions, up to 82% of the global market share of port and shipbuilding cranes, which are supplied to more than 80 countries around the world.

The Russian manufacturer of household appliances, climate control systems and audio-video equipment, ranks 42nd in the list of the 50 best-selling Russian brands according to Forbes.

A Chinese company specializing in the production, sale, rental, processing, storage and maintenance of port containers. The company has its own facilities in the largest commercial ports of China, Russia and Europe.

The Chinese Commercial Bank, included in the list of so-called "medium-sized" banks in China, has more than 17 branches and 32 subsidiaries of urban and rural banks in 14 provinces of the People's Republic of China.

A platform for effective dialogue between business, government and public structures of the Russian Federation and Asian countries, which has implemented more than 200 successful joint projects and has more than 1,500 partners in Asian countries.

One of the world's leading manufacturers of products for the care of children and pets with more than 20 years of experience.

A Chinese state-owned investment company, one of the world's largest investors, with a registered capital of 45.9 trillion yuan, occupies a place in the Fortune Global 500.

A Chinese construction and engineering company, ranked 649th in the Forbes 2000 list of the world's largest companies.

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Latest news

The approach to licensing the retail sale of alcohol will change – the amendments were adopted in the first reading

The State Duma considered in the first reading two draft laws on licensing the retail sale of alcohol. The first one changes the rules for paying the state fee for obtaining (extending) a permit, the second one concerns the procedure for its suspension and cancellation. To obtain or extend a license, you will need to pay 20 thousand rubles per calendar year for each object of trade or catering. The document will have to be reissued and the state duty will be paid again in the same amount if another place of sale of alcohol appears. Now the payment does not depend on the number of points of sale of the organization. It is 65 thousand rubles. It is planned to suspend or revoke licenses for individual facilities where a violation has been detected. Now the licensee is deprived of the right to sell alcohol at all points included in the permit, even if the violation is recorded in only one of them.

Fines for improper maintenance of pets – amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation passed the first reading

For non-compliance with the requirements for the maintenance of pets, they want to punish with a warning or fines. Citizens will have to pay from 500 to 1000 rubles, sole proprietors – from 3000 to 5000 rubles. For repeated violations, they will be punished more severely: citizens will be fined from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, sole proprietors – from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. It is planned that the changes will come into force 10 calendar days after the publication of the law.

To verify the integrity of the business, the service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be launched from October 1, 2024

With the help of the new service, it will be possible to find out whether a company or an individual entrepreneur is at a high level of risk on the "Know your Customer" platform. Organizations will be able to check both their risk category for suspicious transactions and counterparties. Recall that now, through the platform, banks receive information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on what level of danger their customers have been classified in terms of anti-laundering legislation. Credit institutions make the final assessment of good faith themselves. If a client is in a high-risk area, banks, in particular, limit the disposal of money on his accounts.

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