Professional services

Оффисы Цзиньши

Services in Russia

Criminal law

Persons suspected of committing a criminal offense should understand a very important thing: the key to success is timely seeking help from a professional defender. The initial stages of a criminal case require careful consideration of the circumstances, and the information obtained during the pre-trial investigation makes it possible to develop a successful strategy for conducting criminal proceedings.

– assistance of a defender for persons in any procedural status;

– – interaction with the investigative authorities at the pre-trial stage of the criminal case, ensuring the legality of investigative actions;

– comprehensive management of criminal cases of any complexity;

– representation of the interests of convicts during the serving of imprisonment, as well as in the exercise of the rights to parole;

– civil representation of victims in criminal proceedings.

Family and inheritance law

We help individuals in solving delicate personal issues related to family. Given the specifics of such issues, we ensure exceptional confidentiality and anonymization of customer information, even for Jingsh employees who are not related to the case. The services are provided by professional lawyers and lawyers with at least 10 years of relevant experience, which allows us to provide reliable solutions to the most sensitive legal problems.
— Family law, marital relations;
— Inheritance issues at any stage;
— Providing legal support when choosing alternative methods of infertility treatment.

Legal support for Russian investors in China and other countries

Russian investors in China are offered a full range of legal services from leading lawyers and experts.

Jinshi coordinates and interacts with any of its own and partner offices around the world, smoothing out cultural differences, reducing client costs and minimizing organizational risks.

By turning to Jingsh, you significantly shorten the path from idea to profit!

Land law and real estate

Jingsh lawyers provide a full range of legal services related to land relations and real estate. We have extensive experience in supporting land and real estate transactions and have proven practical methods of providing services in the support of both general legal issues in the field of land law and complex individualized disputes. The work of our lawyers is based primarily on a deep understanding of the legal realities and development trends of the countries in which land relations arise, change and terminate.

– Legal support of transactions with real estate and land plots of any complexity (purchase/sale, lease, acquisition of rights to land plots from state/municipal ownership);

– Support of development activities;

– Legal support during construction and connection to infrastructure;

– Protection of the interests of developers and investors in government agencies, assistance in obtaining benefits for the purchase of land and real estate;

– Representation of clients’ interests in litigation related to land and real estate in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction of all instances.

International law

Having existed since 1994, Jignesh Law Firm has established a wide network of offices in China, which is growing to this day. Almost every provincial center and major city in China has at least one Jingsh office. In addition, we are proud of our own network of foreign offices located in Europe, North and South America, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and Africa. A wide network of partner firms complements Jingsh’s own resources and makes the company truly global.

– international trade;

– foreign investments, mergers and acquisitions;

– foreign direct investment;

– International maritime law;

– placement of shares abroad;

– International intellectual property law;

– resolution of cross-border disputes (criminal, civil and commercial disputes).

Bankruptcy and business reorganization

The practice of bankruptcy and business reorganization of Jingsh Law Firm clients aims not only to provide effective legal assistance in the process of rehabilitation, reorganization and liquidation procedures, but also in the course of the current activities of companies to eliminate risks associated with legal requirements.

Jingsh lawyers provide qualified protection of the interests of all persons involved in bankruptcy and reorganization. Our team of professionals provides legal assistance in the insolvency process for both Russian and foreign enterprises, as well as transnational bankruptcy procedures when the debtor and creditor are located in different jurisdictions.

– Legal support of the debtor company at all stages of bankruptcy;

– Assistance to creditors and investors in case of debtor’s insolvency;

– Selection of a qualified arbitration manager and control over his activities at all stages of bankruptcy;

– Full legal support of business reorganization at all stages.

Pro Bono

Pro Bono is the provision of professional legal assistance to charities, public and other non-profit organizations, as well as individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need legal support, free of charge.

Jingsh Law Firm is aware of the importance of qualified legal assistance for all persons in need of it, and therefore provides a certain range of legal services free of charge, contributing to national welfare and fulfilling its social duty to the state and society.

– Creation of charitable and public foundations, as well as other non-profit organizations;

– Legal support services for the activities of NGOs;

– Legal assistance to individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation and are in need of urgent and qualified support.

Related Services

– Independent assessment and audit;

– Professional translation;

– Escrow services;

– Accounting services;

– Legal monitoring;

– Legislative work.

Regulatory-administrative practice

  • Tax law

    The legislation on taxes and fees in Russia is very dynamic – on average, changes in it occur almost every month. With the right approach and proper legal support for business activities, problems related to taxation become predictable, and tax risks are minimal. Lawyers and certified tax consultants of Jingsh will help taxpayers not only solve everyday issues related to taxation, but also specific and complex tasks using non-conservative approaches.

    – Assessment of the need to register a foreign business for tax registration in the Russian Federation;

    – Assessment of the tax consequences of individual transactions;

    – Protection of business executives and owners when charged with tax crimes;

    – Representing the interests of taxpayers in the process of conducting tax audits and other tax control measures;

    – Legal assessment and appeal of acts of tax authorities. Pre-trial settlement of disputes with tax authorities;

    – Representation of taxpayers’ interests in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts of any instance;

    – Protection in proceedings for reimbursement of VAT from the budget;

    – Advising on the application of the provisions of international agreements on the avoidance of double taxation.

  • Administrative law

    In the current realities, business activities always fall under the close supervision of the state. Moreover, the reality is that this applies not only to large businesses, but also to medium and even small players in the Russian market. Therefore, administrative and legal protection plays a special role for any profitable enterprise and successful entrepreneur.

    – Interaction with government agencies during inspections and other state control measures;

    – Licensing of activities and products, registration of any permits on a turnkey basis;

    – Representation in cases of administrative offenses, challenging acts of state bodies;

    – Management of administrative risks when conducting business in various regions of the Russian Federation.

  • Antitrust law and anti-dumping

    Compliance with the legislation on protection of competition will preserve the stability of the business and reduce the possible costs of foreign and local investors. Sometimes reasons that are not obvious at first glance can lead to serious financial and reputational consequences.

    – Identification of common risks and ensuring compliance with competition law;

    – Development of the structure of transactions and coordination of such transactions with the Federal Antimonopoly Service;

    – Coordination of foreign investments in enterprises of strategic industries with the Government of the Russian Federation;

    – Representation of the interests of economic entities when participating in public procurement;

    – Ensuring compliance of advertising activities with antimonopoly legislation;

    – Legal protection against unfair competition.


    The dynamically developing practice of protecting foreign importers when considering cases of dumping imports of goods into the territory of the EAEU is also of great importance.

    – Antimonopoly compliance when importing and selling products at low prices to the territory of the EAEU.

    – Interaction with the Eurasian Economic Commission during the anti-dumping investigation.

    – Conducting expertise in the field of pricing with the involvement of international experts.

  • Privatisation

    Privatization is the process of transferring state and municipal property to Private ownership of the Russian Federation, which has been carried out in Russia since the early 1990s. The alienation of state property in favor of individuals or legal entities makes it possible to reduce the share of direct state participation in the economic sphere, as well as partially compensate for the budget deficit. Through the privatization process, it is possible to increase the efficiency not only of the management structure, but also of the entire economy of the region as a whole. In many industries, privatization significantly improves the quality of services provided and goods produced for businesses and citizens, which has a positive effect on Russia’s investment attractiveness. For the investor, the benefit, in turn, consists in obtaining valuable assets that often have no analogues in the private sector. Therefore, despite all the difficulties, privatization is a mutually beneficial economic process.

    – Selection of assets of interest in the regions of the Russian Federation, exploring opportunities for the privatization of such assets at the local administration level;

    – Support of the procedure of reorganization of budgetary institutions into commercial enterprises;

    – Peaceful settlement of disputes arising from the relations between private individuals and the State during privatization;

    – Work with trade unions and public organizations.

Labor and migration law

Jingsh lawyers will help you resolve any issues related to the emergence, modification and termination of labor rights and legal relations, as well as assist in resolving disputes between an employee and an employer.

– Consultations on labor law issues;

– Legal support of cases in the Labor Dispute Commission;

– Representation of clients’ interests in the resolution of labor disputes in courts of general jurisdiction of all instances;

– Assistance in drafting local regulations in the field of labor law;

– Work permits and visa support for foreign workers;

– Building a local regulatory and legal structure, an effective system of hiring and firing staff;

– Provision of other services related to the implementation and protection of labor rights.

Legal support for foreign investors in Russia

Even in the current economic and political realities, as well as taking into account global trends towards globalization, it is inevitable for any successful business to enter new markets. Representing the interests of mainly foreign principals, Jingsh has accumulated a wealth of practical experience in representing interests and supporting transactions involving a foreign element, as well as a unique knowledge base and an extensive network of professional contacts. Jinshi specialists know how to effectively provide legal support to a foreign investor in Russia and achieve their investment goals. To do this, a constant dialogue is maintained with legislators and government authorities in different regions of Russia.
— Development of a unified investment strategy, assessment of regional opportunities and investment climate, representation services in negotiations with representatives of local administration and regional development corporations, assistance in obtaining local benefits and preferences;
— Tax planning at the initial stages, as well as consulting on the application of legislation on taxes and fees, on the implementation of international agreements on the avoidance of double taxation;
— Creation of a business structure for an investor: a joint venture, a branch/representative office of a foreign company, a subsidiary, the acquisition of enterprises as a property complex or shares, shares of enterprises (M&A transactions) and the implementation of concession agreements (Public Private Partnership), etc.
— Providing comprehensive legal services and legal advice on specific issues of the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Corporative law

The basis of any company’s activity is a well—structured corporate structure that fully complies with the law and its charter. Corporate law is a complex industry. Jingsh lawyers set themselves the goal of helping business development by using all the opportunities provided by legislation, while seeking non-standard approaches. We always offer a set of measures aimed at building healthy corporate relationships or effective dispute resolution without prejudice to business.

— Ensuring the safe and effective functioning of ownership structures: creation from scratch or reorganization of existing legal relations;

— Development of corporate documents, including constituent and internal regulations, corporate contracts;

— Support of procedures for increasing/decreasing the authorized capital, preparation of mergers and acquisitions;

— Settlement of conflicts between shareholders / participants, judicial representation in corporate disputes;

— Development and implementation of option agreements in order to avoid “deadlocks” when making a decision;

— Performing the function of corporate secretary during general meetings of participants/shareholders.

Sanctions compliance

The current economic and political situation in the world forces both large and small businesses, including international corporations and non-profit organizations, to adapt to existing restrictions in the implementation of economic activities in order to avoid the risk of sanctions against them. Every year, the need to establish internal and external processes in the implementation of economic activities and bring them into line with the imposed restrictions is becoming more and more obvious. In this regard, it becomes necessary to monitor the rapidly changing sanctions policy and monitor all accepted changes in order to avoid adverse consequences.

– Risk assessment of work with sub-sanctioned companies;

– Development of internal risk management rules, including drawing up a “roadmap” of sanctions risks, their assessment;

– Legal support of disputes related to the risks of falling under sanctions.

Intellectual property law

Jingsh Law Firm has extensive experience in providing legal services related to the acquisition, disposal and protection of intellectual property rights. We have been entrusted with the protection of intellectual property by many large companies representing various sectors of the economy (banking, construction and real estate, subsoil use and minerals, medicine and healthcare, etc.). Intellectual property law is a complex industry, and the extensive experience and high qualifications of our lawyers allow us to select a subtle approach to each client and find solutions to the most difficult tasks.

– Protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity (objects of copyright, including computer programs and databases; inventions, utility models, know-how, industrial designs, etc.), as well as means of individualization (trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin, trade names, commercial designations);

– Fight against counterfeit products;

– Protection of trade secrets;

– Legal support of disputes in the Intellectual Property Rights Court;

– International trademark registration, foreign patenting;

– Legal support in the fight against piracy;

– Provision of other services related to intellectual property law.

Commercial law

Trade is an important component of the economy of any state. The enterprises of the trade sector create a developed infrastructure of services, make a significant contribution to the creation of favorable conditions for its further development. Since time immemorial, trade routes have connected cities and countries, brought culture, science and progressive ideas of different peoples closer together. The success of the development of trade relations directly depends on the professionalism of everyone involved in the organization of the trade process. Jingsh professionals are ready to share their accumulated experience both in the field of regulating domestic trade and in the field of international trade relations, in particular in trade with China. In this case, we know not only the specifics of the legal regulation of trade and foreign trade activities, but also the seemingly invisible difference in mentality, the difference in cultural values, which sometimes freezes a huge number of profitable trade deals.

— development of commercial contracts under the law of the Russian Federation, China, England and Wales, as well as other states;

— participation in negotiations with local and foreign partners in order to obtain the best commercial conditions;

— verification of local and foreign trading partners for reliability and solvency (due diligence);

— effective pre-trial and judicial settlement of commercial disputes, including in international arbitration institutions.

Telecommunications and information technology

Provision of legal services in the field of telecommunications, Internet and all types of e-commerce.

Heavy and light industry

Legal advice for small, medium and large businesses in the field of chemical, manufacturing, automotive and other industries and production.

Environmental protection and subsoil use

A full range of legal services for companies engaged in subsurface use and mining activities.

Medicine and healthcare

Work with manufacturers, distributors, professional associations and industry regulators.

Aviation and cosmonautics

Support of technological research and development in the field of aviation production, international cooperation and procurement, assistance in obtaining appropriate licenses.


Legal support of investments in blockchain technology, compliance of blockchain applications, international cooperation in the field of blockchain technologies.

Other industries

Agriculture, retail, national and military industries, hospitality, tourism, etc.

Digital law

A full range of legal services related to information technologies and any aspects of their application.


Legal services covering all types of financial activities of organizations, including risk management, internal financial and legal control system, cross-border capital transactions, etc.

Energy industry

Legal assistance and legal support for the activities of energy companies.

Culture and education

Legal services covering general and highly specialized issues in the field of culture, sports, media, education, etc.


Legal advice on the development of the structure of leasing transactions, compliance with financial lease requirements and provision of a guarantee system.

Auto industry/transport

A full range of services for car manufacturers, manufacturers and distributors of spare parts, official car dealers.

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